Prayer Walk for Educators

Oct 24 | 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM


Outside any local school

Prayer Walk’s registration closed on Sunday, October 25, 2020

A self-guided opportunity to express love for your community through prayer. You can walk, stroll, ride or roll! This event is for anyone who has an educator in their life or who wants to join in supporting educators in their community. Educators are teachers, professors, school administrators, counselors, social workers, secretaries, custodians, nurses, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, anyone who’s life work is in education.

Participants will choose any school to gather outside to pray (following district guidelines – dawn to dusk) during the weekend of October 24-25. This is a great opportunity to invite friends or neighbors.

Register to let us know where you'll participate and we’ll share great resources with things to consider, sample prayer prompts, encouragement and post-event celebration.