Message: Just the Next Step

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: May 26, 2024 Plain Print Version


  • Hebrews 11:1
  • John 14:1
  • Matthew 14:24-33
  • Matthew 28:17, 20
  • Exodus 3


  1. What does the term "faith" mean to you?
  2. What doubts or questions are getting in the way of your walk with Christ?
  3. In what ways does this story in Matthew 14 tell us about who God is? What questions do you still have about this passage?
  4. Describe a time when you faced a storm and God met you in the middle of it? Are you currently facing one?
  5. Do we put too much trust in our own "boats"? What kind of "boats" do you see in your own life?


  1. Admit the doubt you have out loud and pray like Peter did in Matthew 14: "Lord, if it's you..."
  2. Decide on a tangible next step for yourself this Summer.

Belief in God looks more like trust than certainty, because trust is the language of relationships.
Dominic Done