Vision Weekend

Vision Weekend

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: September 08, 2024

Vision Weekend - Message Notes

"...and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20 - NIV


Matthew 28:18-20 John 17:20-23


1. What was the highlight of your summer? 2. What are you most excited about this coming year? 3. Why did you first start believing in Jesus? Who was the person/people who brought you into the church? 4. Jesus' vision statement within the New Testament is "Go make disciples." In what ways are you living this out? If there is currently not a way, what ways could you live this out?


Throughout our daily lives, we interact with a lot of people. Think through the people that are within your life. Is there someone that does not have a church home? Is there someone that does not believe in the Lord Jesus? Is there someone who has a lot of questions about what you believe? If there is someone like that within your life, invite them to church! See if they are willing to go with you one Sunday morning and experience Sunday service. We are called to make disciples, and the next one could be within your life waiting to see Jesus!